Thursday, January 29, 2009

Real Life Rhetorical Analysis: for Feb 5, 2009

This unit, you're writing a rhetorical analysis. While the official format and style we're using for the rhetorical analysis may be distinct, people use a similar critical thinking process all the time.

Find an example of someone analyzing another person's writing, an ad, a picture, etc.

Write a paragraph which refers to the analysis, includes a link to it, and analyzes the analysis. Why do you think the writer is taking the time to do this analysis? How do they go about analyzing the piece? What is their thesis? How would this analysis look different if they were using the rhetorical terms that we're studying in class? You may also want to think about the purpose of writing an analysis.

Note: Often, an online analysis is not long--sometimes it's a comment on a news story, a blog post, etc.

Label to put on the post: real life rhetorical analysis

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